Monday, September 15, 2014

DIY Flower Crown/Headband

Flower Crown/Headband

-Things You'll Need For This DIY-
They can be real or fake and big or small just depending on your preferences. You can get them at craft stores or Dollar Tree but I used fake flowers from Walmart and they were $3. I decided on one type of flower for the whole headband.

You can use headbands, wire, elastic, or even string. I used a stretchy headband because I felt like it's more secure on my head, but you can use whatever you like best. I bought the Goody 6 pack. They were $2.98 at my Walmart. I really liked that they had different colors. You can use a color that matches the flowers or your hair color. My hair is dark so I used black, but I also thought black looked good with the dark purple flowers I chose. If you use wire or elastic, make sure you measure it to fit your head.

Scissors & Wire Cutters
I have these pliers that have wire cutters on them so that's what I used. It would also be handy to have it if you use wire to make your crown instead of headbands. You can use whatever type of scissors you'd like.

Hot Glue Gun
Mine is just a mini hot glue gun from Walmart, I think they're around $10.
Now that you have your supplies, let's get started!
First you can pick out which flowers you want to use and how many.
I just bent the ones that I wanted to use that way they were easier to cut. (Use wire cutters)
You can just pull them off of the stems if you want to but I thought they were easier to hold with stems. Plus, I like to use my wire cutters.

I laid them out how I wanted them to be and decided on four flowers.

You can pull off the leaves if there are any or you can just do the next step. 
(This step is only needed if you cut the stems.)

Then you can pull out the stems.
(If you didn't pull them out earlier.)

There will be a little nub that will need to be cut off so the bottom of the flower can be flat.
It will make it easier to glue on.

You can use scissors or your wire cutter.

Now line up your flowers and pick a headband/elastic or your wire crown.
You can put flowers all around the band or just in the front.
Decide if you want to include your leaves or not.

If you decide to use your leaves, you'll have to cut off the nubs.

After you cut it, the plastic on the top and bottom should easily come off and you'll be left with just the fabric.
Now you can start gluing them on. I decided to glue a flower over the seam of the headband so you wouldn't see it.

Hot glue time!

This would be the part where you could put on the leaves if you decided to use them.
I'd put some more glue after applying the leaves.
Then you could put them on your headband/crown.
Depending on how big your flowers are, you might have to leave some space in between.
Mine are big so I spaced them out an inch or so.

I ended up deciding on using five flowers instead of four.
I also decided I wanted leaves.
I did the same process-cutting the nub and removing the plastic.
But instead of putting them under the flowers, I put them between.

I applied some glue with my hot glue gun and stuck them in between each flower.

Here is the finished product!

Well I hope this works out for you if you try it! If you have any questions, leave a comment! :)
Thanks For Reading!